What rats say

Welcome to the Ratwarehouse

The shop that cares about your rats since 2004!

One of the first specialised rat shops, I have been loving your rats since 2004. The Ratwarehouse is run by a passionate rat keeper with over 30 years experience caring for rescued rats. All the products offered on the site have been researched carefully, so there's no need to worry, if I've listed it, it is suitable for rats.

With the ever growing competition, I do my best to keep up with the latest in rat care and offer you and your rats nothing but the best.

A lot of my products are exclusive to The Ratwarehouse so they can't be bought from other online shops. You will find a variety of delicious treats, complete rat mixes, chews, a wide selection of health products as well as several fun toys and accessories to provide enrichment to your rats' environment.

The Ratwarehouse is the home of  the original "Weight-Up Baby!", this is one of my most popular products, often imitated, never equaled.

We hope you enjoy your Ratwarehouse experience!

- Sabby & The Ratwarehouse Rattos